Hisballah hafa náð vopnum á ný

Nasralla fer ekkert með fleipur.  Samtökin sem stofnuð voru og studd eru af Írönum (Quds þjálfarar eru virkir innan samtakanna) hafa náð að endurvígbúast eftir eldflaugaskothríð sína gegn Ísrael í fyrra.  Þetta staðfesti Ban Ki Moon í nýlegri skýrslu og þá ættu menn að fara að horfast í augu við hvernig þessi íranska "legion etranger" herjar á Ísrael fyrir herra sína.  Í skýrslunni segir:

"According to the Government of Israel, Hizbullah has rearmed itself to a level higher than that which it had maintained prior to last year’s conflict. It alleges that hizbullah’s long-range rocket force is stationed in areas north of the Litani River and that most of the new rockets supplies, including hundreds of Zilzal and Fajr generation rockets, have a range of 250 kilometres, enabling them to reach Tel Aviv and points further south. Israel also claims that Hizbullah has tripled its shore-to-sea C-802 missiles and has established an air defence unit armed with ground-to-air missiles. Israel has stated that the nature and number of weapons in Hizbullah’s control constitutes a strategic threat to its security and to the safety of its citizens.

dotz04070704jpgsmallSeveral speeches made by the Secretary-General of Hizbullah, Hassan Nasrallah, in the past few months seem to confirm these Israeli claims. Reports of rearming are a cause of great concern, posing serious challenges to the sovereignty, stability and independence of Lebanon and the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006). Senior Hizbullah officials have stated that comments by Hassan Nasrallah were made to serve as a deterrent to aggression rather than as threats to Israel."

Þessum herstyrk verður beitt til hefndarárása á Ísrael um leið og valdbeiting gegn Íran hefst.

mbl.is Hezbollah býður Ísrael byrginn
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